• hello@expertslive.co.in
  • Bengaluru, India
About Us

About Us

Welcome to Experts Live India Tech Conference

Experts Live India Conference is a premier technology event, designed to bring together IT professionals, technology enthusiasts, and industry experts from across India and beyond. Our mission is to foster a vibrant community where knowledge sharing and networking are at the forefront.

Our Vision

To be the leading tech conference in India, providing an unrivalled platform for learning, innovation, and collaboration in the field of information technology.

What We Offer

  • Cutting-Edge Sessions: Featuring a variety of topics such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, AI, and more, delivered by renowned industry leaders and innovators.
  • Hands-On Workshops: Interactive sessions providing practical skills and insights into the latest technology trends and tools.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, thought leaders, and potential collaborators in a dynamic environment.
  • Exhibits: Explore the latest tech solutions from top vendors and startups.
  • Keynote Speakers: Hear from visionaries and thought leaders who are shaping the future of technology.

Who Should Attend

  • IT Professionals
  • Developers and Programmers
  • Tech Entrepreneurs
  • Students and Educators in Tech Fields
  • Business Leaders and Decision Makers

Our History

Since its inception, Experts Live India has grown exponentially, attracting a diverse audience passionate about technology. Our previous events have been hailed as transformative experiences, offering valuable insights and fostering lasting connections.

Join Us

Be a part of this exciting journey as we explore the latest in technology and innovation. Whether you’re seeking to advance your knowledge, network with like-minded individuals, or discover new opportunities, Experts Live India Tech Conference is the place to be.

Stay Updated

Follow us on social media for the latest news and updates regarding the conference.